Membership Dues

Membership dues for 2025 are as follows:

  • Membership $35 (includes Renewals)
  • Family $45
  • Dual Membership $25   (primary membership is with another club)
  • Active Military $0
  • Active Military Family $10
  • Apprentice – Free for members under 18.

Renewing Members: If you are a renewing member and your contact information is unchanged, you are set, but if you need to update anything, please let our membership chair Steve Drake know by sending him an email ( with the new info.

New members: If you are not currently a paid member but would like to join, fabulous! Please email our treasurer Tim Aley ( and he will get the Membership Application Form to you. You can either send him a check when returning the form, or pay online below and someone from the club will contact you to collect the information (in lieu of the form).

To pay online, use the Donate button below. If you do not want to pay online you can send a check to our club treasurer Tim Aley – contact him ( for the mailing address. 

[Note: Not all browsers seem to work with all payment options – if it fails, please try another browser, if that is an option for you.]

If you are not currently a paid member but would like to join, fabulous! Please email our treasurer Tim Aley ( and he will get the Membership Application Form to you.